Logoev Logo

Seminar in Wedemark
Abschlussseminar 2019
Kanzleramt Berlin 2021
Abschlussseminar Berlin 2021
Seminar Eichhof 2022
Biogasanlage Eichhof 2022
Wochenmarkt 2022
Betriebsbesuch 2022
Abbschlussseminar Frankfurt 2022

ABOUT USbmel logo de

LOGO e.V. (Agriculture and ecological balance with Eastern Europe) was founded in 1995. The non-profit organization is committed to vocational training, organic farming and for a better international understanding. The main activities are internships and seminars for students. The internship programs are partly supported by federal funds. Apply for a six-month internship!

Flyer     Application for students

23.03. - 24.03. Annual general meeting in Frankfurt
25.03. - 28.03. Technical seminar in Graevenwiesbach
26.04. - 28.04. Introductory seminar in Frankfurt
03.06. - 07.06. Technical seminar in Erbach
22.07. - 26.07. Technical seminar in Graevenwiesbach
23.10. - 25.10. Final seminar in Frankfurt

Internship agreement - Report booklet - Prevention of accidents - Competences as the key to success - Vocational education - Dual training in agriculture - Studies in Germany  -  Agriculture in Germany - Climate change - Organic agriculture - Organic crop production -  Biological control of plant diseases - Marketing strategies -  Renewable energies -  Innovations in agricultural technology I -   Innovations in agricultural technology II -  Climate protection and humus -  Soil life and soil fertility -  Regenerative agriculture